According to studies, there are around 5.6 billion active email accounts today. This is perhaps one of the reasons why email is still one of the best sales and marketing tools in the age of social media.

Cyber security is an important factor in a company's risk management strategy. It needs to be performed correctly so that it won't leave the company vulnerable to potential threats and attacks.

It's no secret that can be expensive especially when it comes to business. However, it is the cornerstone of many businesses so it's not really something that you can easily do away with. Aside from this, IT costs are continuing to rise as technology becomes more advanced so budgeting for it can be difficult.

The ushering of the New Year is usually accompanied by predictions. However, unlike the spiels you usually hear from fortune tellers at your local flea market, these predictions are more reliable since they are backed by some of the most important names in the internet and tech world.

When it's presentation time, using the right kind of software can make the job easier. For PC users, the choice is obviously PowerPoint but Mac users have another option: Keynote. So which one do you choose? They're both great for different uses. This article will talk about the pros and cons of the two software to find out which one...

There are many ways to get people to visit your e-commerce site. But getting them to go to your website is just half the battle because the real one is to convert visitors into paying customers. According to, average conversion rate for a typical e-commerce site is 1.6% and 92% of people who visit a website don't make a purchase....

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